TAS Group группа компаний предоставляющая полный спектр финансовых услуг

Our value Professionalism - development

Opportunity to study at Harvard business school

Requirements for employees to get an opportunity to study:

  • Work experience in TASGROUP for at least 2 years;
  • Fluency in the Kazakh language, English level: IELTS 7.0 +
  • Absence of disciplinary penalties for the last year;
  • Compliance with one of the values of the company "Time-Punctuality". The time of delays for the last year should not exceed 6 hours;
  • The direction of the chosen training should be directly related to the activities carried out in the company.

Possibility of external training

Lerna.kz is a platform that allows you to take courses from the leading online schools skillbox, geekbrains, skillfactory in the CIS in one place.

Platform for external distance learning Main directions Marketing, programming, design, management, games, multimedia

TAS Group группа компаний предоставляющая полный спектр финансовых услуг

Internal training

  • Hard skills
  • Soft skill
  • Courses in Kazakh and English

Our value Reliability - care

Annual motivational bonus

The basis for paying employee remuneration at the end of the year is the commitment of each employee to the company's value of "professionalism and development".

Each employee of the company is tested once a year. The remuneration is given to the employee who scored from 75% to 100%.

The amount of bonuses for employees is based on the length of service in the company:

  • With work experience of 2 to 5 months - 25% from the amount of the salary;
  • With work experience of 5 to 8 months - 50% from the amount of the salary;
  • With work experience of 8 to 11 months - 75% of the amount of the salary;
  • For more than 11 months of work experience - 100% of the salary.

The company has a system of long-term motivation

"optional program" for 5 years Upon reaching the set indicators, employees included in this program receive a share in the business or a monetary reward

  • 100% payment by the company for 3 days of sick leave (1 time per year)
  • In order to support employees during illness, the company once a year makes 100% payment for 3 days of sick leave

Support for employees in good and bad times

  • First marriage – 237 000 (two hundred thirty-seven thousand) KZT;
  • Birth of a child – 150 000 (one hundred and fifty thousand) KZT;
  • Death of loved ones – 237 000 (two hundred thirty-seven thousand) KZT.

* after probation

Annual salary indexation

(growth of wages depending on the rate of inflation)

The company, taking care of the health of employees, covers 50% of the cost of a subscription to the network of "workout fitness & gym" clubs.

Corporate sports

One of the most important areas of our company's social policy is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

The company pays for the rent of a football field for employee training

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    Republic of Kazakhstan Almaty city,
    124 Zharokova Street, 8th floor
    Weekdays: 09:00–19:00
    Saturday: 10:00–15:00
    Sunday is a day off

    © 2022, Microfinance Organization TAS FINANCE GROUP LLP (TAS FINANCE GROUP), official website, License No. 05.21.0006.M. Issued by the ARRFR on February 26, 2021.

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